Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Sand County Almanac: Aldo Leopold

In this selection, Leopold, talks about our ignorance of biodiversity and the understanding of how the biotic is connected to the abiotic. He gives the example of the killing of wolves in order to sustain the deer or cow population for human's benefits, without thinking about how the deers, and the wolves are connected and interrelated to the land and the mountain around them. Next, Leopold stresses on the sequence of ethics, whereby the existence of a symbiotic relationship between politics and economics, or the relationship between an individual and its society overpowered the relationship between an individual and its environment. The ethical relationship of a community and its land was nonexistent before the early 20th century. The problem does not lie in the economic use of land but an individual perception of its land. Leopold believes that we need a better comprehension of conservation, and respect for the symbiotic relationship between man and its land.

A land ethic:

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